Organization Name

    Delivery Address *

    Contact Email Address *

    Contact Full Name *

    Billing Address (If different from delivery address)

    Contact Phone *

    Have you been referred to us?
    [group referral]
    If yes, by whom?

    Purpose or event(s)?

    Do you need stationary or portable equipment?
    YesNoI'm Not Sure

    Are you providing for multiple language interpretation?
    [group simul-languages]
    If yes, how many simultaneous languages transmissions do you need to provide?

    Is this for Assistive-Listening or Descriptive Service (for sign impaired)?

    How many Smart Bug radios do you need for your audience?

    Would you like the Smart Bug radios custom-labeled with your artwork?
    [group artwork-upload]
    If yes, please upload artwork here.

    Please upload .jpg or .png file formats. Maximum upload size = 10MB
    Would you like the Smart Bug radios sequentially numbered for your inventory controls?

    Are you interested in a hard-shell carrying case with custom-configured, padded interior?